I can't believe it's Monday already! I had a million things to do over the weekend and consequently, time vanished like a vapor. Most important on my list, was getting my hair down to ONE color. I spent 10 years as a blonde and my locks are still in 'recovery', as it were. There is really no painless way to remedy the hue sitch, except to continue cutting until it's all gone. Le Boyfriend is very handy with the scissors and he was kind enough to help me out while I sipped a glass of wine :)
Forever 21, Boots:
Jessica Simpson 'Yindley', Bag:
Thank you very much for the prize and for my blog.xoxo happening to you po
LOVE the simpson boots!!!
Nic! Nic! Nic! sheer gorgeousness...you can never go wrong, darlin', can't you? [not that we want you to go wrong.]
I cannot picture you with a blonde hair....anywayz, i love everything here, darlin'!
That bag is just gorgeous...I'll travel in those any time of the day and any airport on the globe. That boots is lovely, too!
wow thanks for the award, you're so sweet Nicole :)
Your bag is amazing and so do the boots. I'm inlove with your outfit ^^
You really exude Stylishness on all of your Pictures (with the wrong/subtle illusion of effortless GLAM), AND I am truly mesmerized by your graceful/wistful presence on the first one !!!
à Bientôt, Antoine
//* tha bag is so nice :):)
this is really one of my FAVORITES. ♥
oh you look so chic here. I absolutely love everything.
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